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WHW Blog List
Alloa half marathon and other stuff
It has been a busy old month. My mum had a stroke at the end of January.
Luckily my sister who is a newly-retired nurse was nearby and realised what
1 week ago
350th Volunteer - Extract from Rouken glen parkrun page
Recently I did my 350th Volunteer at Rouken Glen, and event director
Stephen did a very nice piece on it along with some of the DofE volunteers
for the ...
5 weeks ago
Problems to Podium
Distance: 42.2 miles Time: 6:44:49 Position: 3rd, 1st MV40 If you have been
following the random rambles on here you would know I was coming up for a
3 months ago
Cycle to Austria Day 12: Dornbirn to Birgitz (Austria), Friday, September
13, 2024; 14km
Day 11 is here. No matter how bad the weather would be today I would arrive
at my parents by bike – that was the commitment I’d made to myself and
pretty m...
4 months ago
A year on…
I remember reading at the beginning of this phase of my life that ‘you are
always post-partum’ and now, a year on, it makes sense. Mara has been in
1 year ago
– Try Therapy
is most likely the very best known online treatment website worldwide. …due
to its sheer size. It boasts 3 million subscribers, more than 20,000
2 years ago
Packrafting killed my camera!
To cut to the chase, we’re talking about a good day yesterday (something
I’ve wanted to do for a long time) marred by stupidly knocking an unsecured
2 years ago
Thank you John
John, I’m writing directly to you because it seems easier to talk to you
rather than trying to leave a tribute, which so many people have done far
more elo...
4 years ago
Remembering John Kynaston
Like everyone who knew him, I was stunned and saddened to hear that John
had passed away. John’s family had asked that we all get out for a run or
4 years ago
Plans for 2021
I love to plan ahead and so I have entered a number of races for 2021. Some
of them were postponed in 2020 and carried over. So here is my plan for the
4 years ago
Just a training run!
When Alistair Macpherson said he was going to do one last big fundraising
event Pauline and I were on board for support. We’ve been there for his
5 years ago
It is all about the adventure
The ballot gods have spoken and so for the most part the adventures for the
coming year have been decided. A few people have asked me recently about
where ...
5 years ago
ENDURO COMMUTES – Friday 15th to Monday 18th November 2019
This particular set of commuting adventures started on Friday night when I
took the bike and all the extra kit, uniform and food into town. Saturday
5 years ago
Centurion Track 100: Race report
Centurion Running Track 100
Photos by Jack Atkinson
Official race report
A race report about running 402 (and a bit extra) laps around a 400 metre
5 years ago
Isle of Harris Marathon - 5 Months Postpartum
I entered the Marathon Hebrides (the first full marathon to be held on the
Isle of Harris) while I was still pregnant. Obviously pregnant with my
first bab...
5 years ago
The West Highland Way Race 2019 – RACE REPORT
The West Highland Way Race 2019 TIME: 22 Hours 15 Minutes and 58 Seconds
OVERALL : 55th/196 finishers GENDER: 5th/45 female finishers “It’s very
unusual ...
5 years ago
28 seconds.
The Fling was my first event of the year and I was feeling quite good. So
good that I found myself in the 10 to 12 hour starting pen for the race. I
5 years ago
Coastal Trail Series Sussex 55km race report
After every race I make myself notes of what went well and what I should
have done differently. Sometimes the should-have-done-differentlys are on
the rid...
6 years ago
North Face
Here is a recent painting of the North Face of Ben Nevis under winter
conditions.There has already been some snow falls on the higher tops
although not ...
6 years ago
Lakes in a Day 2018 - making the call.
Nearly all the reportage I've seen so far about this year's LIAD has been
about water - torrential rain and wading through streams, lakes and
puddles, a...
6 years ago
Tor des Geants (340km, 24,000m+/-)
My approach to the TOR was a blend of ignorance and denial which in
hindsight was a great combination. I knew enough about the race to be
excited about ta...
6 years ago
Lairig Ghru
The Lairig Ghru has been on my list of walks to walk for a very long time,
but it’s either a very long but lightweight one day walk, with tricky
logistics ...
6 years ago
Training the Taubertal legs
Last year I'd completed the Leek half marathon and loved the challenge of
it. Yes, it's on road/country lanes/pavements and path, however there are
enough ...
6 years ago
GB Ultras : Race Across Scotland - Volunteer Report 2018
Yes, I know, I've been silent on the blog this year - I'll come back to
that another time. I felt I needed to put some words down about last week's
6 years ago
Sabbaticals & Studying
I've already mentioned to a few people and putting it out there in public
will help support my in my choice.
In 2019 I'm having a sabbatical. From 'rac...
6 years ago
Lakeland 50 - The Orange One
Orange all the way
Hats off to Marc Laithwaite and his team - the 2018 Lakeland 50/100 event
was another truly epic weekend of running, weather and oran...
6 years ago
Clyde Stride / Clyde Shuffle
Two weeks ago I entered a race. For £23 you’d be lucky to get entry into a
10k race these days, so the idea of running a 40 mile ultra for that price,
and ...
6 years ago
On the run up to the big 5oh I have been just doing enough to keep my legs
turning over. I decided months ago last years racing had taken its toll so
6 years ago
Unearthing the Holy Grail; an alternative look at the fling.
On Saturday the 28th April 2018 I had one of the greatest days of my life.
Having been searching for the Holy Grail for years, this highest of highs
6 years ago
In My Minds Eye - Funny How Time Flies
I'm not one for regular posts on my running or training, you only need to
look at the last time i posted below yep, April 2016, whats happened since
7 years ago
Glenmore 24 | 12 Hour Trail Race – Race Report 2017
Glenmore 24 – 12 Hour Race 2nd September 2017 Miles Ran: 45.984 8th of 16
Females 17th of 34 Runners The Glenmore 24 event is one of the Scottish
7 years ago
Stick-to-it-iveness: UTMB 2017
Trudging up a steep trail of mud and slick rock, head bowed against driving
rain and hemmed in between male runners continually surging past towards
the ...
7 years ago
This could be a long blog, but 100 miles is a long way.
I've always had a pull to this race for various reasons. I've heard many
great plaudits about Cent...
7 years ago
Withdrawal from 3100
It is with deep regret that I have had to make an ‘eleventh hour’ decision
to withdraw from the 3100 race in New York due to my wife Elizabeth’s
medical co...
7 years ago
Winter West Highland Way Interview with Caroline Mckay
To help put something back into the West Highland Way Race I will be doing
a series of podcasts contributions to the official West Highland Way Race
8 years ago
Camino de Santiago - an 800 kilometre journey of reflection and discovery
Introduction The blog below is a collection of my sketches completed at
the end of every second day walking the Camino de Santiago, otherwise known
as the...
8 years ago
Raising Lazarus at the River Ayr Way
After a Gobi Desert type dry spell in the ultra marathon world; and after a
disappointing DNF in the West Highland Way, I thought I'd end this season
with ...
8 years ago
6102WHW2016 - A Double West Highland Way
The story of a Double West Highland Way Run Back in 2009 George and I had
a crack at a Double WHW which due to a number of factors mainly hea...
8 years ago
Lakeland 50 2016
I first ran the Lakeland 50 in 2014......the heatwave year! .....blazing
sunshine and 30C going up Fusedale I actually phoned home and swore "I'm
never doi...
8 years ago
Echoing on from my last blog… …it’s been a while since my last post and
what a rollercoaster of highs and lows! First to mention would be that we
now have ...
8 years ago
Living with Wildlife in your Garden
Today I was watering our vegetable garden when I had that eiry feeling that
something was starring at me. Oh ya, look who was checking me and the
8 years ago
Every day is a school day
So, I've been umming and ahhing for a few weeks as to how to go about
writing a report on the Keswick Mountain Festival and the 50k trail race.
I was reall...
8 years ago
South Downs Way 100
Not written a race report since my WHW triple crown last year. However I
felt my experience at the SDW100 was sufficiently epic to merit trying to
8 years ago
My Western States 100 Journey
With the race being my focus this year I thought it would be good to
capture some of the build-up in the form of moving pictures on the old
YouTuber. Let m...
8 years ago
Ok folks, looks like I'm back on the blogging and training scene after 4
yrs of false starts etc. So here's the update as to what has been
happening over...
9 years ago
Quick review of 2015
It's been a much better year for me running wise. I lost more than 2 stone
between January and the end of March, which, along with the benefit of some
new ...
9 years ago
As One Year Ends, Another Begins…
…and with it come new challenges! So, it’s almost the end of the year,
which can only mean one thing. A review of my running throughout 2015. But,
why woul...
9 years ago
Charlie The Ultra Running Collie (2002-2015) RIP
‘So you didn’t catch him then’ a neighbouring farmer, Phil, observed with a
wry smile. ‘Didn’t catch who?’ I said. ‘Your collie, Charlie. I saw you
9 years ago
An Update on my 2015 Sabbatical Year - Appreciating the Achievements
Hi, It's been a while since my last blog post, so hopefully this post will
be worth 'waiting for', although I doubt there are many out there on the
edge of...
9 years ago
Glenmore 2015
First weekend in September what getting to be regular attendance at
Glenmore either running supporting or Marshaling. For the 2nd time i was
running the 24...
9 years ago
The TDS 2015 - aka The Hike from Hell
Now if your looking forward to reading an uplifting made it through till
the end post for some motivation. Stop reading.
However if you revel in others pa...
9 years ago
Montane Lakeland 100 2015
The Lakeland 100 has fascinated me since I first heard about it. It's the
UK's premier 100 miler (actually 105 but more of that later), really hilly
9 years ago
Ups and downs, Highs and Lows and throwing up.
*D33* (Deeside Way 33 mile Ultra, Aberdeen to Banchory and back)
Like most years, since I took up 'Ultra-Marathon' running, I once again
made my first even...
9 years ago
I found the HR limited running very frustrating and decided to bin it
earlier this week.
The diet is OK but it is fair to say that it's novelty value has wo...
9 years ago
St Clair Vineyard Half Marathon
I feel the title alone will explain why I was persuaded to take part in
this half marathon.
Being Scottish and new to New Zealand, I’m keen to try and seek...
9 years ago
Ultra Trail de les Fonts
Towards the end of any running season my mind inevitably begins to ponder
what next. 2014 was no exception. With the hope of getting an entry for the Ultra ...
9 years ago
I thought i'd start this blog to keep track of my training for this years
westhighland way race . I've new routes planned , and i'm looking forward
to shar...
10 years ago
2014 Ending
Well the year is almost Ending and it's been a rocky year as far as Racing
and Blogging goes. A couple of good performances at the begining of the
year an...
10 years ago
My Quest for the Giblet
To say I was nervous is an understatement! How Thomas got through the last
week before the race with me coming up with new symptoms every day I don’t
10 years ago
Lakeland 100
Lakeland 100 Website
Lakeland 100 Pictures by Thomas Loehndorf
Its now two weeks since the Lakeland 100 race, an amazing experience that I
will che...
10 years ago
The Longest Day: My Story of the West Highland Way - Andrew Macmillen
*The Longest Day*
*My story of the West Highland Way Race 21-22 June 2014*
*Written by: Andrew Macmillen *
The 95 mile (152 kilometre) route of the We...
10 years ago
A Most Remarkable Day and a Support Crew Members Thoughts
You know, there are times in your life when you really feel that something
you have just witnessed is positively jaw dropping. The west Highland Way
Race ...
10 years ago
Out running
This blog is currently retired....
I'm out running...or maybe enjoying a cup of tea.
Thanks for your support.
11 years ago
Talking Books
I listened to National Geographic's 'Adventurers of the Year' live chat on
Google+ Hangouts, Kilian Jornet was among those taking part. At one point
he was...
11 years ago
Angie - Day 365 - 1.5 miles
Untitled by AAllum20 at Garmin Connect - Details
Went to Blackpool for the day so decided to do the last run before tea.
Steve came with me which was lovely...
11 years ago
Back on (the) Track – Soochow 24 Hour Race
superlatives, (how ever long they grow), can truly sum up the wonderful
event at S...
11 years ago
Marcothon 2013
Well that's me halfway through the Marcothon 2013, a simple challenge to
run every day in December for a minimum of 25 minutes or 3 miles. It sound
simple ...
11 years ago
Travelling with Cruise
A cruise to Asia may just be the thing for you if you wish to explore
exotic lands. There are many different cruise lines that offer trips to
Asia, and all...
11 years ago
Ilkley incline!
Little 5 kay killer hill work. 170 metres of ascent and descent, straight
up from guitar teacher's house to the Cow and Calf rocks and back down.
Stunning ...
11 years ago
Ramapo Mountain Madness 2013 - New Jersey's toughest wee ultra
It's now six months since we moved to New Jersey from Scotland. We live
about an hour north west of NYC, not far from where the suburbs stop and
the mount...
11 years ago
Lakeland 50 - half the length, twice the pain
Having the UTMB lined up for the following month I decided to err on the
side of caution and do the Lakeland 50 this year instead of the 100.
Thinking I'd...
11 years ago
My training Calender for the Hardmoors 55
I am running the Hardmoors 55 in March and here is my training plan
Distances in the chart are in kilometres
Distances in the chart are in kilometres
11 years ago
Interloping on Dod's blog page - The Great Glen Way Trial Race by Karen D
It feels rather good to be typing a race report again! Hello word document,
it’s been a while. Let’s not go into the negatives of the past 16 months
when ...
11 years ago
West Highland Way
This is my story of my biggest run challenge . I am now 50 years old ,
have done 5 x 100km, 1x85k, 2x 73km , 3x60 k , 3 x52k trail ultra and 1x
56 k road...
11 years ago
A Sprint Finish it Wis'ne
Noani, me and David
Wasn't sure last year if I was going to enter again this year as I had entered the UK Ironman in Bolton (my first ever triathlon except...
11 years ago
West Highland Race 2013
The journey to the WHW race 2013 started immediately after last year’s
‘Fling’. Previously I’d always decided I would leave it for a few years
before app...
11 years ago
London Marathon pleasure and study horror (in that order)
As the title suggests, and as the London Marathon was over a month ago, I
am in the depths of study hell. Should I be posting on my blog the day
before my ...
11 years ago
Ultimate Trails 100k
Been really busy so far this year working on a few new projects. I'm
working as the Course Director on a very exciting new event, Ultimate
Trails 100k, whi...
11 years ago
There Will Be Weather...
- says the Lord of the Bridge every June in Milngavie.
No-one said it in March. After all, this is Scotland. The only guarantee
is that there will be...
12 years ago
2013 so far .....
Thought I'd give a wee update on how 2013's gone so far and what i have
planned at the moment for the year ahead. In terms of previous years,
2013's got of...
12 years ago
The Eventual Road to Sparta
The main running goal of 2013, has well er....become a non-starter.......
The Spartathlon has filled up before I have even had a chance to qualify.
Oh well ...
12 years ago
Marcothon 2012
After a gruesome near death experience in the Kilpatrick Hills (11 miles in
2,5 hours crawling through a blizzard) with Marco himself I managed 5 miles
12 years ago
Another joy
After some more treadmill running, I ventured out for another 'outdoor' run
this evening. No frills, 2 mile plod around the streets near home, however
12 years ago
Devil O The Highlands 2012
Well that didn’t exactly go according to plan! After the Highland Fling my
aim was to tun the Cateran Trail Ultra however I was diagnosed with
tendonitis i...
12 years ago
West Highland Way Race 2012
This was my second attempt at the West Highland Way Race having DNF in 2010
at Kinlochleven. I learned a lot from that year but was unable to take part
in ...
12 years ago
Digging Deep WHW Race 2012
*The Race *
Midnight in Milngavie and I'm actually here. It's been journey to come this
far and another begins in an hours time. I'm not nervous, I'm gen...
12 years ago
...and then, there was Magic.
I'm sure that's not what exercise physiologists call it but for me, that
moment when exhausted legs come back to life after 70 miles of plodding
will alway...
12 years ago
To make this clear, I honestly do not know where I had the thought to run
95 miles from an affluent area in Glasgow called Milngavie to the Outdoor
12 years ago
How hard can it be?
Hmm what to do?
My WHW dreams collapsed in February thru April, but like a glint of light
I’m now left just too enticingly close with the big question.
12 years ago
Not pretty in pink
Sometimes when progress is slow it's hard to see the bigger
picture. Despite being physically inactive, I've actively been trying to
lose some of the w...
12 years ago
health & social care bill...... (no running or bikes)
help stop nye bevan from spinning in his grave and keep access to health
services free for all at the point of need.
our national health service certainly i...
13 years ago
Massanutten 100 Mile
Fort Valley, VA May 12, 2012
13 years ago
Activity starting: 28/10/2011 08:23
Cross training and the cycle to work.
Week consisted of swimming 3 km 2 in sea and 1 in pool. Cycle total was
only 80km running 24km so will need to ramp...
13 years ago
Mud Sweat And Nae Tears
Long time no see!
A serious lack of progress in my general fitness, being a fat bugger and
always finding that I couldn't run two steps has meant a blog tha...
13 years ago
Ben Nevis Race
On Saturday I travelled north to run in the annual Ben Nevis Race,as most
runners know this is no ordinary hill race this one is up and down
Britains high...
13 years ago
When Dreams Come True
It’s difficult to describe the events of last weekend. Normally after a
race, you can summarise it fairly concisely as the events happened over a
13 years ago
Devil o' The Highlands 2011
Back home after our last official encounter with the West Highland Way this
year. Tim finished the Devil o' The Highlands in about 9.15. Not bad
13 years ago
Cameo Blogger
Yesterday I ran the Lairig Ghru Hill race. For those of you who don't know
its a 28 mile race from Braemar to Avi...
13 years ago
End of an era
An era is defined as a significant period of time. I think it's safe to
say that my last 13 years involvement with the WHW race is definitely an
era. An...
13 years ago
The final curtain
This is it. The final post, the last curtain call. Whatever you want to
call it. It's been 8 months of a rollercoaster ride and I've decided it's
come ...
13 years ago
Will I Run Again ??
It's So Far Away.
It is now 26 weeks since my knee was drilled to pieces by a couple of
doctors who carried out a procedure with no warning or discussion o...
13 years ago
Highland Fling 2011
This year was a bit different from last year. This year there were other
people entering the event who I knew and I had the chance to run with. Karl
Wait, ...
13 years ago
For Those About to Run (We Salute You)
I can't even face a bottle of Yop! today, that's how serious it is.
The first signs of Deadly Manflu were evident last Monday when i came home
from work...
14 years ago
Hurt again !
I wrote a short couple of blogs on fetcheveryone. Well shortish for me .
Usually I blog races and stuff but my broken foot to paid to most of that
but at...
14 years ago
The RAW - Does my bum look big in this...?
"Does my bum look big in this?", I say as I run past a male runner around
mile 38 of the RAW. Well no, actually I am lying, I didn't say that but
these are...
14 years ago
The making of a memorial
I thought some of you might be interested in the story behind the memorial
that recently appeared on the WHW.
When I heard the news that Dario had died it ...
14 years ago
Dating in the eighties
*Dating Montage*
*Uploaded by smithy00101. - Sitcom, sketch, and standup comedy videos.*
14 years ago
WHW Race 2010
First of all I would like to thank John K for helping me set up my blog. I
Will start my story on the race at the end of this week.
14 years ago
From Harvey Nic's to tents.....
where did it all go wrong? Until recently my idea of 'roughing it' when
travelling was staying somewhere that was not en-suite and no room service
was avai...
14 years ago
At 12.28 I completed my 250th lap, or 100 km in distance, and left the
track. I had been having a number of problems since 10.30 or so: I had been
15 years ago
Want to see me naked ?
Hi out there !
After my sudden end of the WHW run 2009 finaly the doctors found what
happend to me.
I have about 10 big kidney stones. See the nice pictu...
15 years ago
Running heel to toe in supportive cushioned shoes. Have we got it all wrong?
Here’s a few controversial ideas to get you thinking. Some of these I have
been pondering over for a while and some are derived from Christopher
15 years ago
East to West 4th/5th April
The forecast was several hours behind itself on Saturday, resulting in not
only a battle against a strong headwind on the bike out from Edinburgh
towards C...
15 years ago
Went for a wee run to Glenbuck today to check out the start point for next
weeks race.
Glenbuck is the site of the source of the River Ayr. The Loch at Gle...
16 years ago
How does the updating system work? Is it automatic?
Yes when a blog is updated it automatically puts that blog at the top. It seems to take a few minutes but seems to work well.
So if you want your blog at the top write a post just after someone else has!!
Hi John
thanks for including our blog - I think I accidently deleted your comment on our blog on iain's UTMB - thanks for the words - I relayed as much as I could remember - he's happy again now after an excellent Ben Nevis race
best wishes
This is very informative post. Thanks for sharing those great runner blogs. Nice list.
i like this post, we visit again for more updates , thanks for sharing this article.
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